About me

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Farewell, Colorado (from Berry Patch Farms)

I think this is the perfect place to stop and take a break...
I started this blog two years ago. Otis was 1 and Theo was a few weeks away from being a little blip on the screen. I wanted to have something creative to work on while being a full-time mother. Writing a food blog was a weird undertaking, I suppose, as I'm not a chef, nor am I a photographer, a stylist or a writer. But over the past year the blog has evolved into something more than just recipes; it's a family journal of sorts and I'm happy to have this record so that I can look back on it from time to time.
Speaking of time, I've been thinking of that old adage, "timing is everything." Sadly our time in Colorado has run out. Though we thought we would stay here a bit longer, we realized a few days ago that this just wasn't going to work anymore. My husband's commute back and forth, coupled with a lack of real job prospects, was becoming too much. Our timing was off. And that is really a shame. 
Yet I am thankful that I got to spend a year, with my sons, in a wonderful (albeit quirky) house, with great friends, in a fantastic city...which we explored to the absolute fullest. Life has been good in Colorado. Adjusting to a substantially diminished quality of life back in New York City will take some getting used to, but we will make it work. Hopefully. And as best we can. 
Anyway, as we close the Colorado chapter of our life, I think this is also a good place to take a break from the blogging experience. Maybe I'll pick it up again once we are (re)settled, but right now I'm going to spend a lot more time offline, cook without pausing to take pictures, read some books (!), pack up the house and figure out what's next. 
Thanks to all of you who followed me on our Colorado journey. It was a good one. I really appreciated the comments-- from friends and from strangers. The Denver/Colorado food community is wonderful and I will miss being a part of it.
So, for my final Colorado post, I thought our recent trip to Berry Patch Farms would hit the right note. We cut our own flowers and basil and the boys picked their own strawberries.
It was the perfect afternoon.
Cheers, happy travels, happy eating and be well!
After the great-chicken-fiasco at Ollin Farms, I was a little worried about Otis when he laid eyes on the chickens and the rooster. But he did really well and has seemingly overcame his fear of these birds. 
Goodbye Denver. Goodbye Colorado. We will miss you oodles. 


  1. Noooo, please don't go. You were my favorite local blogger! You will be missed.

  2. Bassie, while I can selfishly say that I will be thrilled to have you and the family closer by me, I am sorry that you have to leave a place that you loved and been so happy.
    I'll do my best to make your quality of life as good as possible. Let's talk soon. Hugs,

    1. As the opening song of the Golden Girls goes, "thank you for being a friend..." and listening to my rants and tantrums. I'm sure it will all work out in the long run, right? xoxo

  3. Oh, Bats! Ditto to what Yana said. We're really excited to have you and the boys in our time zone again, but I'm really sorry that you're leaving the place you love. (For now, at least! Maybe again in the future...?)
    I will really miss reading your blog but will look forward to having more time in person to chat and share recipes and food. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help ease the transition back!

    1. Aw Kat, miss you oodles. We may be your loving Crown Heights neighbors one day, but for now we can stay here...and you know what that means, blog is on! (But fewer posting until all the boxes are packed...priorities, right?!) See you during our October visit and obviously next May (Mrs M-to-be!) xo

  4. Oh no. You will be missed in Colorado, but it sounds like you will be welcomed with open arms in NYC. There is nothing wrong with taking a break for now. You deserve it. I hope that you come back and continue blogging from the Big Apple once things settle down for you and your beautiful family. Wishing you the best, Samantha

    1. Thanks so much Samantha. It looks like we got a last minute life-line. :)

  5. I'll miss you in this space! Your strawberry pics reminds me of just a few months ago when we went picking with my similarly-sized boys. Best of luck with the adjustment and move.

    1. Thanks so much Sara. We were able to find a last minute rental, so we've got 6 more months to make it work. (This was very unexpected.) You know what that means, don't you?! More farms and more orchards! I'm thrilled! We are going raspberry picking next week, then we've got some tomato festivals, before you know it-- it will be time for the corn mazes and pumpkin patches. Hope that you are enjoying your boys and the rest of your summer. I appreciate all your "likes" and comments. "See" you around!

  6. I love your style, your photographs and your writing. It's made us laugh, smile and appreciate our great state. You did us a great service! You have a wonderful manner about you and a great lifestyle (even if it is going to be disrupted). New York is a tough place, but maybe this will be a temporary stint and you can move back West soon. We are all rooting for you. Hope to read your posts again once things settle down. + Estella and Crew

    1. Thanks so much Estella. We are staying another 6 months! No one can say that we aren't giving it all we've got, right!! Thanks for your comments.

  7. very very bittersweet. see you soon. RDS

    1. love you. miss you. see you in October (for a visit)...we got 6 more months to make this work. Oy! It's exhausting :)

  8. Your photography is wonderful, wonderful. Don't give that up! See you sometime in NY.
    Dee Kraus

    1. Thanks Dee. I am thinking about taking a class...and learning that editing software which I've talked about for years! We got a last minute "reprieve" and will be staying out here for another 6 months. I am keeping my fingers crossed! So, more photos, recipe and musing on Denver will continue...once we move to our new place, and for at least the next six months. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Thanks for all your comments.

  9. Safe travels and enjoy those boys, even if you find yourself in less than desirable circumstances You are very talented and it has been a pleasure reading your postings. Hope to read more when you are able to write. Be well.

  10. That is too bad that Colorado didn't work out for you this time around. You really "took to it." Your stories and photos have inspired me to be a tourist in my own city again. The food photos always look delicious. Yes, New York is a very inhospitable place to raise a family, but keep trying to get back here if it makes you happy. My sister started off in Manhattan and had a terrible quality of life. She now lives in Portland and loves it. But the road was long and it took multiple attempts to make it work. Have faith, keep trying and may God bless you and your family on the next part of your journey.

  11. I just discovered your blog and I'm sad to hear that you're taking a break, but it's definitely understandable--it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I hope you'll be back once you've settled back into life in NYC. In the meantime, good luck with your move!

    1. Thanks for your comment Kiersten (I am a big, huge, fan of your blog!). We got a last-minute-lucky-break and found a 6 month rental-- so we are going to give it another shot. If jobs line up, we can stay! If not, we move back to NYC and we will adjust. But thanks for your well wishes. In the meantime I can blog, though it will be less frequent as I've got boxes to pack and move across town. Hope you are having a fabulous summer!
