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Thursday, May 16, 2013

hiking mondays: castlewood canyon state park

There's just something about tradition- those long established customs that are passed down from generation to generation. We've got a few great traditions in my family, most of them revolving around holidays, food and going to the mountains. As a kid, my brother and I looked forward to our annual summer pilgrimage out of the sweltering city. We would head to the Catskill mountains where we spent the summer in a little Swiss chalet, near a crystal clear lake, surrounded by trees. It was bucolic and very Rockwellian. My parents weren't into hiking, but we did go swimming in the lake, learned to fish and had BBQs a regular basis-- so there was a lot of time spent outdoors.
Now we don't have a summer cabin in the Rocky mountains (at least not yet, so here's to hoping!), but we've started our own springtime-summertime tradition; namely family hikes around the Denver-metro area.
My husband's jobs doesn't exactly have many perks, but there's one thing about his job that's great-- he's allowed to work a concentrated work week (four- 10 hour days) and that means he's got Mondays off. And on that day, we all go hiking. 
In the past month we've hiked trails in Red Rocks, Roxborough State Park, Eldorado Canyon and Dinosaur Ridge. This week we decided to push ourselves and do a 3 mile hike with the boys in Castlewood Canyon. It's part of the state park system (get the pass if you think you'll be using the state parks a lot this summer) and I can't believe it was under my radar for this long! Castlewood Canyon is gorgeous. 

The main gate is only 50 minutes away from our home in Denver, so it's the perfect day trip. There are paved trails that hug the canyon rim, but dirt trails take you into the canyon. There are bridges to cross and magnificent views of a running river, which is flanked by enormous boulders, pine trees and wild flowers. Did I mention that we also saw tons of turkey vultures flying around the canyon?!
At the very end of the hike we were rewarded with spectacular views of the Colorado Rockies. It was just one of those days that made me think, "I can't believe I get to live here!" 
And this is definitely one of my favorite new family traditions (which I hope will be passed on from generation to generation)...
Our trail: A to K to L.
Duration: About 2 1/2 hours.
The boys: Loved the water, skipping rocks, and crossing bridges.


  1. What an amazing hike! I''m sure Otis and Theo will remember these Monday traditions!

    1. Yes it was, Neema. They are such little Colorado kids. They LOVE hiking and even have designated buckets for collecting rocks and twigs. This place is just the best :)

  2. My husband works at the Denver Art Museum and his weekend is Sunday/Monday. During the summer we do "Monday Fundays" and hike around the area. We haven't been to castlewood canyon, but it will definitely be first on the list!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mary-- oh, I'm jealous of your husband. The Denver Art Museum has been getting the best exhibits (I'm hoping to go to SPUN soon)...are they hiring?! :) What an awesome place to work. Yes, having Mondays off is terrific-- there's no traffic and not many people on the trails. Enjoy Castlewood. It's a gem. What are your favorite places to hike?

    3. Spun just opened last weekend! Being 'good, cultured parents' we brought the two kids (8yo and 9mo) to the opening. Needless to say, I didn't see much :) Nick Cave's opening is later in June with a dance performance that I am really looking forward to! I have a feeling my husband will be hiring soon for ticketing and the busy summer. We used to live in Durango and we like to go hiking and camping off 285. Buffalo Creek is an amazing camping spot, right outside of Bailey. St. Mary's glacier is also a favorite. Eldorado Springs is fun to hike and then cool off at the pool. Welcome to Denver!!

    4. Hi Mary, We just got back from the museum. SPUN was wonderful-- and the kids loved the interactive area on the first floor. Now, about that Nick Cave opening...lord, I'm excited! The yellow felt wall looks amazing-- and is that wallpaper with birds on it? I guess I'll have to wait a few more days :) Thanks for the Buffalo Creek-Baily tip, I've never been there-- so that would be amazing, maybe in August. St. Mary's is wonderful (http://sparrowsandspatulas.blogspot.com/2012/09/in-instagram-st-marys-glacier-tomatoes.html) and Eldorado is one of my favorites. Thanks so much for chiming in! xo

  3. Why we just discovered this state park too! It's beautiful and we picnicked near the first bridge. You're photos are beautiful-- they really capture the space so well! TGIF :)

    1. Thank you so much...yes, I know that bridge. I'm thinking we will have to go back some time this month!

  4. Just gorgeous -- denizens of urbanity, eat your hearts out! But why are there always stray children on these trails?!

    1. See you in a few days, Pappy-- with children and all. xo

  5. definitely bookmarking this for future day trip ideas. thank you!

    1. you're so welcome, emily! castlewood is a total treat! we liked staunton state park too-- though the most spectacular part of the park is the falls, and that was about 10 miles in (not ideal for our kids). That said, there's an overlook of the falls that is about 5 miles from the trailhead...so more manageable, but probably for next year. happy hiking!
