About me

Friday, December 20, 2013

a last minute holiday gift guide: kitchen + dining accessories

This blog has been up and running for over 3 years. And while I usually focus on food, family and the places we go, I thought it would be nice to switch things up a bit! And so, I present to you, my very first Holiday Gift Guide! Okay, okay. It's a little bit late, but better late than never (and maybe you'll even spot something that's great for…you!)

While this blog is a labor of love, and I do love putting it all together, what pays the bills is my real job. When the kids are in school, the vast majority of my time is spent telling the stories of small design companies— putting their voice into words and curating a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s personality, character and lifestyle. I do this through the channels of social media and content driven posts at D Loves Design PR- a boutique PR firm that is based in Brooklyn…that has now expanded to Denver!

Because of my work (which overlaps with some of my hobbies and interests) I spend a lot of time pouring over designs of all kinds: from kitchen gadgets and accessories, to lighting and rugs, to wallpaper, ceramics and other beautiful objects. And since I curate design boards, I thought it would be fun to share a few of my kitchen favorites this season. I bet they would make the perfect gift for someone on your list! I'm hoping to have these sorts of collages (design, food, recipe round ups, etc.) as a regular feature on the blog- so please let me know what you think

Special thanks to Carly Loman, the Jr. Account Executive at DLD PR, for putting the image sheet together! Happy holidays to you and yours!

1. Vaso Sake Set by Sempli*
2. Apron by Stitch & Hammer
3. Escape Glass Tumblers by Aruliden (because who doesn't love the mountains!)
4. Arrow Spoon by Amelie Mancini (small world: I went to high school with her fiancĂ©!) 
5. Herringbone Salt Cellar from Leif
6. Alhambra Coasters by Fiyel Levent*
7. Star Cutting Board from Fern
8. Geometric Coasters by Koromiko
9. Kitchen Aid Professional 620 Stand Mixer (if you win the lottery…it's a beauty!)
10. Copper Foil Recipe Cards from Yellow Owl Workshop
11. Wooden Mini Bowls from Wind and Willow Home
12. Tea Towels by Skinny LaMinx (because you can never have too many tea towels!) I buy mine locally at Hazel & Dewey in Denver.

Please note: I do not benefit financially from any of the items in this post. An asterisk indicates that the principal of my firm has a relationship with the designer or artist—but I only have indirect and tangential relationships with these companies. The suggestions are my own and this is not a sponsored post. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. love this! it is so well curated-- with a nice range of (lower) price points! happy, happy!
